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What Is Occupational Therapy?

When it comes to healthcare, various therapy services are available to help people get back to their normal lives. One of the specializations vital to aiding patients with physical, developmental, or cognitive impairments is occupational therapy. Reliable Home Health is a top-tier home health service provider in Waco, Texas, offering occupational therapy as one of our core services.

Reliable Home Health - What Is Occupational Therapy?

What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy is a healthcare profession that helps people of all ages to participate in occupations, which are daily activities that are meaningful to them. Occupational therapy aims to enable individuals to do what they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday activities.

Occupational therapists work with clients to identify the barriers preventing them from participating in their desired occupations, such as disease or injury, and then develop strategies to overcome them. Occupational therapy can take many forms, including developing new skills, adapting environments, and using assistive technology.

Occupational therapy is commonly used to help people with physical or mental health conditions, such as stroke, autism, or dementia, regain their independence and improve their quality of life. It is also used to support children with developmental delays, elderly individuals wanting to maintain independence, and people with chronic pain or fatigue.

What Does Occupational Therapy Entail?

Occupational therapy aims to improve patient’s ability to perform daily activities, exercise, and leisure activities and be as independent as possible. Occupational therapists work with patients to customize their treatment plans to help them reach their health goals faster and more appropriately. Here are some critical aspects of what occupational therapy entails:

Evaluation and Assessment

The first step in occupational therapy is a comprehensive evaluation and assessment. Occupational therapists delve into patients’ medical histories and other lifestyle behaviors to fully understand what is impacting their daily life. Then, they judge patients' skills, strengths, and weaknesses to decide on the right therapeutic intervention protocol.

Therapeutic Interventions

Occupational therapists have a wide range of therapeutic interventions to choose from. They may recommend strengthening exercises, stretching, heat therapy, or cold therapy, among others, to help improve or restore the patient’s functional performance.

Activities of Daily Living

Activities of daily living or ADLs are personal care, functional and self-maintenance activities that are important for maintaining independent living. Occupational therapists educate, train and modify ADLs to ensure a patient’s independence, comfort, and maximum performance.

Assistive Technology

Technology assists patients in achieving optimal function and independence. Occupational therapists can recommend assistive devices, such as wheelchair ramps, shower seats, or handlebars, among others, to help patients accomplish daily tasks more efficiently and safely.

Environmental Modifications

Environmental modifications can be useful in helping patients to adapt to their living environments. Renovation, alteration, or adaptation of homes, workplaces, or living environments are some of the modifications occupational therapists recommend.

Occupational Therapy In Waco, Texas

Overall, occupational therapy is a critical component of patient care. It helps patients of all ages achieve optimal functionality in their lives. Reliable Home Health has a team of occupational therapists committed to providing exceptional therapy to our patients. If you or someone you love needs occupational therapy services in Waco, TX, please contact us today to find out how we can help.

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